條 款 及 細 則 Terms and Conditions
請細閱。Please read it.
本網站(“www.lotyhealth.com”, “網上商店”, “e-Shop”,統稱 “本網站”)由LOTY (HK) Limited(下稱「我們」)經營。本條款及細則適用於閣下對本網站之瀏覽及使用、購買貨品或服務之交易。閣下必須接受及不可更改任何條款及細則。使用本網站前,請閣下閱讀這些條款及細則。如閣下使用本網頁,即表示同意閣下已閱讀本條款及細則,並且接受和同意受本條款及細則約束。
1. 定義
1.1 「我們」及「我們的」指LOTY (HK) Limited是根據香港法例下有效存在的法人團體。
1.2 「網站」及「網上商店」指可透過 www.lotyhealth.com 訪問之網購平台,以及任何與其有關的網站。
1.3 「閣下」或「您」指我們向其提供服務或貨品之人士及須就我們所提供的服務或貨品付款之人士。
1.4 「賬戶」指在本網站登記的賬戶,即是顧客與我們網絡之間建立的關係或因有關登記而帶來的網上服務。
1.5 「服務」指我們的網站透過互聯網提供的購物模式。
1.6 「會員」指已登記賬戶並符合我們預設的購買條件之人士。
1.7 「貨品」指閣下透過我們的網站所預訂及購買的任何物品或服務。
1.8 「商戶」乃指本網站載列、並透過本網站提供貨品銷售或預訂的供應商。每個商戶均會成為及被視為獨立承辦商及在本網站售賣他們貨品的供應商。
1.9 「雙方」指我們及閣下;而「其中一方」則指我們或閣下。
1.10 「訊息」指雙方透過以下方式傳送之溝通:透過網站、客戶服務、電郵、網上即時對話(包括手機通訊軟件或應用程式)、社交媒體應用程式或網站的查詢。
1.11 「電子優惠券或優惠碼」指:
- 我們在推廣活動中透過本網站向顧客或會員發出的非現金電子優惠券或優惠碼;及
- 我們向專屬顧客或會員發出的特別電子優惠券或優惠碼。
1.12 「閣下指定地址」指閣下透過網站進行訂購時所提供的地址。
- 該指定地址不能為
- (i)郵政信箱、
- (ii)任何公用設施場所、
- (iii)任何酒店地址、或
- (iv)任何須經批准進入之地方。
- 貨品已送往閣下指定地址,但並未能依訂單上列明的資料聯絡收件人;或
- 閣下指定地址不完整及/或不正確,所以我們未能完成送貨。
2. 本網站
2.1 本網站是一個由LOTY (HK) Limited營運的一站式網上購物平台,旨在為您提供更完善和便利的網購服務體驗。
2.2 我們會盡可能確保網頁上列載的貨品資料(包括價格)均已更新。貨品價格或隨時更改而不作事先通知,我們將視乎供應情況而全權決定接受訂購與否。
2.3 我們會盡可能確保網站上列載之貨品有存貨。所有訂單須視乎相關貨品的供應情況再作最後確認。倘若我們未能提供任何已訂購之產品,我們有權拒絕接受該訂單。
2.4 我們有權限制於在本網站售賣之任何貨品數量,並就有關貨品之(a)訂單、 (b) 賬戶、 (c) 信用卡/記賬卡或 (d) 顧客作出限制。
2.5 本網站上顯示的價格與其他網上或實體店鋪或有不同,亦有可能因應推廣活動而有所差異。
2.6 貨品價格以閣下訂購貨品當日的價格為準。
2.7 所有在本網站所顯示的貨品照片及圖片只供閣下作參考及幫助閣下識別之用,或與產品之實際大小、尺寸及顏色有別。
2.8 本網站以「按現狀」原則提供服務,我們對本網站的內容及資訊不會作出任何形式的陳述或保證,並對所有此類陳述或保證免責。此外,我們對於網站上或透過網站發布的所有資訊和內容的準備性、完整性、可靠性、及時性、有否侵權、所用名稱或其是否符合任何使用目的等,亦不會作出任何陳述或保證。此等資訊和內容或含有不準確事實、技術錯誤或輸入錯誤。我們於法律容許的最大範圍內就此等不準確或錯誤的資訊和內容免責。
2.9 每個商戶均會成為及被視為獨立承辦商及在本網站售賣他們貨品的供應商,而任何商戶作出的作何行為與疏漏,我們概不負責。
3. 登記及使用賬戶
3.1 賬戶或會員均可自動獲得登入及使用網站服務的權利。閣下如使用本網站進行交易,即表示閣下同意遵守本條款及細則。
3.2 若閣下提供的個人資料出現任何變動,須儘快於本網站更新個人資料,或電郵至cs@lotyhealth.com聯絡我們的客戶服務。
4. 訂購貨品
4.1 除了本網站列明為LOTY health品牌的貨品之供應商為我們外,否則我們並非本網站所展示貨品的供應商。在此情況下,我們只負責管理本網站,並於閣下透過我們的網站向供應商訂購貨品後,安排並落實訂單處理過程。
4.2 當閣下訂購貨品時,即表示閣下同意按本網站所列的貨品指定價格向該商戶購買該等貨品。
4.3 由於不同國家及地區對食品、液體均有特定限制及規定,閣下有責任於購物前留意及查詢有關規定。
4.4 我們將會送出確認訂單的電郵,並在電郵中提供以下資料:
- 閣下的訂購詳情;
- 閣下訂單編號;及
- 閣下配送資料。
4.5 閣下有責任妥善保管載有閣下個人資料及取貨資料的確認電郵。
4.6 我們將代表貨品供應商或該商戶向閣下發出接受訂購的確認通知,以確認接受您的訂單。閣下可於本網站上追蹤閣下的訂單狀況。
4.7 閣下的訂單確認電郵有可能會因貨品的供應情況或未能涵蓋閣下訂購的所有貨品。受影響貨品之最新供應情況將會另行通知。
4.8 除非另有清楚指明,否則所有由我們向閣下傳送的訊息,如於傳送後1小時內並無收到傳送失敗訊息,均被視為已由閣下收妥。
4.9 貨品的存貨將於本網站上顯示和定期更新。但不應被視為閣下有意購買的貨品是否確實有存貨的確切聲明。
5. 價格及付款
5.1 本網站接受VISA、萬事達(MasterCard)、美國運通(American Express)及銀聯(UnionPay)之信用卡付款。
5.2 用於購物時付款的信用卡必須有效且以閣下本人為持卡人。
5.3 我們保留終止任何可疑訂單的權利。
5.4 我們對任何付款欺詐行為不承擔責任。
5.5 不論以任何方法付款,閣下均須在我們向閣下配送貨品前完成。
5.6 所列的全部貨品均以港幣標價及收費。
5.7 閣下必須於提交訂單時支付訂單全數金額。若閣下無法進行支付,我們不會接納該訂單。我們在接納訂單後方會發出確認電郵。
5.8 我們有權隨時更改任何訂單的付款條款而毋須事先通知。
5.9 我們有權隨時透過本網站、電子郵件及任何其他公共通訊方式作出公告,更改網上商店的付款方式。
5.10 若任何訂單的款項已支付,但訂單未獲我們接納,閣下將有權獲得退款,而款項將直接透過閣下付款所用之相同渠道退回。我們不對閣下或任何人士因上述退款處理延誤而產生的任何損失、損害、成本或開支承擔任何責任。
6. 配送已訂購貨品
6.1 訂購時,閣下將須提供貨品收件人的正確名稱及指定地址。指定地址詳情請參閱1.12
6.2 貨品已送出時,我們將會送出完成訂單的電郵,並在電郵中提供以下資料:
- 閣下的訂購詳情;
- 閣下訂單編號;及
- 閣下快遞公司名稱及運單編號。
6.3 每張訂單只限送往一個指定地址。如需配送到不同指定地址,閣下需要按不同地址分開下單。
6.4 每張訂單必須購物至淨額滿方能享有免費配送服務。有關之淨額滿會在本網站不定時更新而不作事先通知。
6.5 我們只提供配送服務往香港、澳門或國內。如需配送到其他地區,請於下單前先向客戶服務查詢;未有查詢配送與否而直接下單的訂單會被自動取消而不作事先通知,我們將全權決定接受訂購與否。
6.6 訂單將於付款成功並確認後會安排四個工作天內處理及配送,送貨時間以快遞公司為準及視貨存而定。
6.7 我們會透過順豐速運的快遞服務,香港郵政或其他我們委託的送貨公司,將閣下訂購的貨品發送至閣下指定地址。貨品已送往閣下指定地址並作出簽收,即被視為已交付及接收。
6.8 倘我們認為閣下指定地址不正確或不完整,我們將致力聯絡閣下確認正確地址。但若我們在合理時間內未能聯絡閣下,有關貨品將會被視作拒收貨品處理。
6.9 拒收貨品之訂單有可能會被取消並且不獲退款。
6.10 貨品一旦被列為拒收貨品,我們即會向閣下發出通知。
6.11 當烈風訊號懸掛、紅色或黑色暴雨警告生效時,快遞服務將會延期。如需特別安排,閣下可自行與送貨公司職員聯絡。
7. 購物優惠
7.1 我們保留終止或更改購物優惠的權利。如有任何爭議,我們的決定將是最終及具決定性。
7.2 我們或商戶均會不定期推出折扣優惠,透過本網站、電郵、社交媒體應用程式或網站、或其它推廣途徑向訪客、賬戶或會員。
7.3 每項折扣優惠均有到期日,並將於推廣時在相關推廣內容上註明。到期日不得更改,逾期的金額將被作廢。
7.4 所有優惠於任何情況下均不得兌換為現金,也不設找續。
7.5 如閣下在購物時使用了折扣優惠而及後我們因為而需要辦理退款,有關退款會按已折扣的價格為準。折扣金額不得退回。
7.6 我們會在推廣活動中透過本網站、電郵、社交媒體應用程式或網站、或其它推廣途徑向訪客、賬戶或會員發出的非現金電子優惠券或優惠代碼;及向專屬賬戶或會員發出的電子優惠券或優惠代碼。
7.7 有關電子優惠券或優惠碼的獲得資格及使用方法,請參閱個別相關規定。
7.8 不論是哪一種電子優惠券或優惠碼,每項購買訂單只可使用一款優惠,所有推廣優惠不能同時使用。
7.9 所有電子優惠券或優惠碼不得轉讓,不含幣值,且於任何情況下均不得兌換為現金。
7.10 如電子優惠券或優惠碼的折扣優惠價值高於購物金額,優惠代碼不會有剩餘價值,亦不會退回有關差額。
7.11 每個電子優惠券或優惠碼均有到期日,並將於推廣時在相關推廣內容上註明。到期日不得更改。
7.12 優惠碼的折扣將於有關訂單計算任何運費及額外收費前扣除。
7.13 部分電子優惠券或優惠碼種類只供專屬顧客使用,並且只可使用一次。如果促銷代碼丟失或被他人使用,將不會補發替換代碼。
7.14 日後如閣下退回該訂單中任何一件貨品,有關退款會按折扣後的價格為準。折扣金額不得退回。
8. 取消購買訂單
8.1 如購買訂單中有任何貨品缺貨,或訂單被認為有可疑,我們或會取消該訂單並安排退款。
8.2 若因任何原因不能提供有關貨品或導致無法交貨,我們有權取消購買訂單。有關原因包括但不限於:
- 基於任何原因未能處理有關付款;
- 有關顧客於訂購時未符合特定條件;
- 本網站或閣下的訂單中有任何失誤。
8.3 除非符合退貨及退款政策並獲批准的申請外,所有訂單確認一經發出,閣下不可取消訂單。如閣下需要進一步資料或協助,可透過電郵、本網站“聯絡我們” 頁面、社交媒體網上即時對話,與我們的客戶服務聯絡。
9. 退貨與退款
9.1 閣下於收取貨品時必須檢查所訂購之貨品是否有損毀、訂購貨品的規格和數量昰否正確。如發現貨品損毀(不包括不正確使用或人為損壞)、規格不符或數量不符,必須於指定受理時間七個工作天內透過電郵或本網站“聯絡我們” 頁面,與我們的客戶服務聯絡,作進一步處理。逾期申請,概不受理。
9.2 除上述9.1之理由,基於其他理由而要求退貨、退款將不獲接納。
9.3 我們有權要求閣下把有問題的貨品退回給我們,作為辦理退款的其中一項手續。
9.4 如有關貨品需退還給我們,閣下必須:
- 保留完整收貨時原有包裝紙箱/袋,並確保貨品包裝處於交付予閣下時的狀態;
- 未經使用並處於原先出售的狀態,包括說明書、證書、標籤、標記、消耗品、袋及盒;
- 連同付上的贈品(如適用);
9.5 閣下同意及接受,我們或商戶全權酌情決定是否接納貨品退貨及/或退款。
9.6 經我們確認可以進行退款後,貨款將會透過我們網上繳費服務供應商的保密第三方網站按閣下付款時的方式退還;需時約4至8星期。
9.8 於購買商品時如有已使用之優惠券將不予發還。
9.9 於購買商品時所支付的交易手續費將不予退還。
9.10 所有訂單均以港幣作結算,如退款時因匯率轉變而引致的差額,我們將不予負責。
10. 終止帳戶
10.1 我們基於以下理由可能會終止、暫停或刪除閣下你的帳戶或一項或多項預訂或訂單:
- 在帳戶登記過程中未能提供所需及真實準確的資料;
- 違反本條款及細則內的帳戶;
- 在未經我們事先同意的情況下,為已被終止帳戶的人士重新註冊;
- 侵犯我們的知識產權;
- 被他人擅自使用閣下的帳戶且未能報告任何濫用行為;
- 使用本網站或服務時,閣下的使用方式可能屬違法、誹謗、淫穢、令人反感、危害任何人士的安全、旨在騷擾任何人士或不適合於網站上顯示的材料;
- 使用本網站或服務時,閣下的使用方式侵犯或限制或妨礙任何第三方使用及享用本服務。這些限制或妨礙包括任何滋擾、恐嚇、暴力、不道德、色情或誹謗的言論或參與任何非法行為,或對任何人造成騷擾或引起不快或不方便的行為,或阻礙透過本服務進行之正常對話、交流及/或互動模式。
11. 停止服務
11.1 我們基於以下情形,可以對本網站提供服務的進行停止或中斷而不需對閣下進行提前通知:
- 本網站的網絡系統進行檢修和維護;
- 電腦系統、通信線路引起停止的;
- 地震、雷擊、火災、風災、水災、停電及其他自然災害等不可抗力導致本服務運營困難或停止。
11.2 因上述各項引發的停止或中斷給閣下造成損害的,本公司不承擔任何責任。
12. 責任
12.1 閣下在傳送付款資料時如有發生或蒙受任何損失,均由閣下獨力承擔,我們無論在任何情況下均不會承擔全部或部分損失責任。如閣下使用的是公用電腦,則應於使用完本網站後,確保成功登出本網站才離開。
12.2 閣下須對透過信用卡所下的所有訂單負責,並同意就任何第三方使用閣下信用卡透過本網站確認訂單而引起的一切索賠及損失,賠償予我們。
12.3 除了本網站列明為LOTY health品牌的貨品之供應商為我們外,否則我們並非本網站所展示貨品的供應商。為了讓閣下與商戶在同一個平台進行貨品買賣,每個本網站的商戶均會成為及被視為獨立承辦商及在本網站售賣他們貨品的供應商,而任何商戶作出的任何行為與疏漏,我們概不負責。我們在閣下與商戶之間只擔任協調者角色,因此,有關任何商戶貨品的供應、品質、合法性和安全性,或閣下相信貨品具有的任何特質,或任何貨品相關價目表、描述或資訊的準確性,以至有關商戶是能具有進行交易的能力,均非我們所能控制。假如閣下與本網站任何商戶產生任何糾紛,閣下不得向我們作出任何索償;閣下並同意若因閣下與本網站任何商戶的交易引致我們遭受任何損失或負上任何責任,將向我們作出賠償。
12.4 凡涉及或因閣下瀏覽及使用本網站而引起,或因數據或系統的保安缺失、延遲、出錯或損毀(包括但不限於由病毒或惡意編碼引起)、傳輸錯誤、網站無法瀏覽等因素而引起的損害賠償、損失、費用、支出、責任或賠償,不論是否因我們或其人員、僱員、代理、供應商或承辦商疏忽或其他因素造成,我們均不會直接或間接對當中任何部分,負上任何形式的責任。
13. 賠償
13.1 凡涉及或因以下情況,導致任何由第三方向我們、其人員、僱員、代理、供應商或承辦商提出索償、訴訟或司法程序,而涉及或引致我們、其人員、僱員、代理或承辦商遭受任何損害賠償、損失、費用(包括法律費用)、支出及責任,閣下同意向我們、其人員、僱員、代理、供應商或承辦商作出賠償,同時亦不會向我們、其人員、僱員、代理、供應商或承辦商提出索償。
13.2 閣下的行為、失當、疏忽或拖欠,包括但不限於對第三方知識產權或其他權利的侵害;未經授權接觸及/或使用本網站或其任何部分;未經授權公開或使用任何驗證方法;及/或不符合本條款及細則規定的行為。
13.3 與本條款及細則有關的任何徵稅、關稅、消費稅或牌照費用(我們的收入徵稅除外)。
14. 知識產權
14.1 凡未事先獲得LOTY (HK) Limited的書面同意,不得使用(包括改動、修飾、分發或複製)任何本網站上的資料。
14.2 LOTY (HK) Limited擁有本網站之版權。網站本可能包括由商戶或服務供應商提供的產品和形象的圖片及描述,這些圖片及描述的版權由其相應商戶或或服務供應商擁有。儘管本網站的內容可以查看,但不得出於任何未經本網站許可而複製、分發、修改或以其他方式利用此等資訊。本網站所含之商標、商號、網域名稱與產品名稱之權利由LOTY (HK) Limited及其授權人所有。嚴禁在未經LOTY (HK) Limited及相關品牌LOTY health所有者書面同意的情況下,使用此類商標、商號、網域名稱和產品名稱。
14.3 本網站的所有內容及其他權利、用以建立網站的知識產權,均由LOTY (HK) Limited擁有及保留。
15. 資料保護
15.1 閣下如訂購貨品,即表示閣下同意我們可儲存、處理並使用閣下所提供的資料,以便處理閣下訂單。
15.2 為致力保障個人資料的私隱,我們確保在收集、使用、保留、披露、共享和查閱個人資料方面的政策及做法,均符合香港法例第486章個人資料(私隱)條例的規定。詳情請查閱有關的私隱政策。
16. 一般條款
16.1 如雙方就條款及細則有任何爭議,LOTY (HK) Limited的決定為最終決定並具約束力。
16.2 除非條款及細則內有其他規定,否則我們將按以下方式向閣下發出通知:
- 郵寄至閣下所提供的地址;
- 電郵至閣下所提供的電郵地址;
- 致電閣下所提供的電話號碼。
16.3 如閣下更改地址、電話號碼或電郵地址,請即通知我們。
16.4 若本條款及細則容許我們透過於網站刊登告示以通知閣下:除非我們特別註明,網站上刊登的告示已構成足夠效力的通知,並且由刊登的一刻起生效。
16.5 除非於本條款及細則明確註明,或由我們具體說明,否則凡閣下須向我們發出的通知,必須通過以下途徑發送,方被視為已通知我們:
- 電郵至cs@lotyhealth.com;
- 本網站“聯絡我們” 頁面。
16.6 本條款及細則所規定的權利和補償具有累積性,並且不與任何法律賦予的權利和補償互相排斥
16.7 任何一方在獲得另一方按發出的書面同意前,無權豁免遵守本條款與細則的任何規定。
16.8 若LOTY (HK) Limited並無行使或延遲行使任何本條款及細則所規定的權利或補償,並不表示我們放棄該權利或補償;若我們行使任何單一或部分權利或補償,亦不影響其進一步行使該權利或補償,或行使其他權利或補償的資格。
16.9 若無LOTY (HK) Limited書面同意,閣下不得分配或轉移本條款及細則內任何部分的權利或義務。LOTY (HK) Limited可將其於本條款及細則內之任何權利或責任轉讓、轉移或分判予任何第三方。
16.11 我們與閣下同意本條款及細則將按照香港特別行政區法律詮釋及受香港法律所管轄。
16.12 我們保留在不需通知閣下的情況下,按其酌情權修改本條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,LOTY (HK) Limited保留最終決定權。
(版本更新日期 August 2021)
This website ("www.lotyhealth.com", “e-Shop”, the “Website”), operated by the We ("we", “our”, “us”), is available to you on the condition that you accept without modification the terms, conditions and notices contained herein. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the Website. By using the Website or any part of it, including purchasing Products and Services, you agree that you have read these terms and conditions and that you accept and agree to be bound by them.
1. Definitions
The following defined terms have the following meanings within the terms and conditions:
1.1 "we", “our”, and “us” means the We, a body corporate validly existing under the Laws of Hong Kong.
1.2 "Website" or “e-Shop” means the e-marketplace platform accessible via www.lotyhealth.com or such interface embedded in third party’s applications, as well as all related websites in connection therewith.
1.3 "You" or “your” means the person(s) whom we provide Services or Products to and who should pay for the Products purchased at the Website
1.4 “Account” means an account registered in the Website, and the relationship that is established between a customer and ours online services resulting from such registration.
1.5 “Services” means the services offered by us through the Website.
1.6 “Member” means a person who has registered an Account, and any person who has been permitted by us to have access to and use the Account service in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
1.7 “Product(s)” means any items or services you place order(s) from the Website, including items or services that you reserve and items or services that you purchase.
1.8 “Retailer(s)” means the provider(s) named in the Website whose Products are available for sale or reservation through the Website. Each Retailer shall be and shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and they are providers of their own Products in the Website.
1.9 “Parties” means both us and you, and “Party” means either of these.
1.10 “Message(s)” means any communications between the Parties transmitted by any of the following means: through the Website, Customer Services, emails, Online Instant Chat (including mobile App or software), social media App and its website.
1.11 “eCoupon” or “Promotion Code” means
- non-cash coupons issued by us to customers or Members as part of promotional events; and
- non-cash coupons issued by us to particular customers or Members according to special conditions varied from time to time.
Each eCoupon or Promotion Code shall have its own terms and conditions of use including its own expiry date.
1.12 “Given Address” means the address that you have provided us at the time when you made an order for purchase through the Website. The Given Address cannot be
- references to PO Boxes; or
- any public facilities; or
- an address of any hotel; or
- any place where permission to access is required.
1.13 “Abandoned Products” means any Products which you purchased and paid for through the Website, but which:
- are delivered to the Given Address but the recipient fails to be contacted; or
- the Given Address is incomplete and/or incorrect, so that we are unable to deliver.
2. The Website
2.1 The Website is a one-stop platform operated by LOTY (HK) Limited, We aimed to provide online sale of Products and enhance convenient shopping experience as part of the Services.
2.2 We shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that Product details including price on the Website, are up-to-date. Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders for purchase are subject to our acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability.
2.3 We shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Products displayed on the Website are in stock. All orders are subject to confirmation of final availability and we reserve the right to reject an order in the event that any of the Products requested are unavailable.
2.4 We have the sole discretion to place a limit on the quantities of any Product(s) that may be purchased on the e-Shop. Such limits may be imposed on each (a) order, (b) account, (c) credit/debit card, or (d) customer, as the case may be.
2.5 In general, the prices may vary from those at the retail stores or other e-shop, but may differ from time to time due to promotions.
2.6 The prices charged for the Products are those applicable on the day you place your order.
2.7 All pictures and images of the Products displayed on the Website are for illustration purposes only, in order to help you recognize the Products. The actual size, dimension and color of the Products may differ.
2.8 We are provided on an ‘as is’ basis and we make no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the Website and disclaims all such representations and warranties. In addition, we make no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness, non-infringement, title, or suitability for any purpose of all information and content made available on or through the Website. Such information and content may contain factual or technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. All liability of us howsoever arising for any such inaccuracies or errors is expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
2.9 Each Retailer shall be and shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and they are providers of their own Products in the Website. We shall not in any event be responsible for any act and/or omission of any Retailer.
3. Registration and Use of an Account
3.1 The Account or Members are eligible to access and use the services offered by the Website automatically. By using the Account to conduct dealings in the Website, you agree to observe and comply with, in addition to these Terms and Conditions.
3.2 You shall update your information on Website immediately or as soon as practicable, or inform our Customer Services at cs@lotyhealth.com if there are any changes to the profile information that you provided so that we can communicate with you effectively.
4. Ordering for Purchase of Products
4.1 Unless otherwise specified the brand of LOTY health, we are not the providers of the Product(s) displayed on the Website. We only provide website management, order processing and fulfillment after you purchase items from the providers through the Website.
4.2 When you place an order for purchase, you agree to purchase those Products from the providers at the price listed on the date of purchase on the relevant Product description page. The Product prices listed are exclusive of any duty or tax.
4.3 Different restrictions and regulations for foods, liquids apply in different countries. You are solely responsible for researching and understanding the relevant regulations prior to purchase.
4.4 We will send you an order confirmation email upon the confirmation of your order which includes:
- the details of the items you have ordered;
- order number; and
- delivery information details.
4.5 You are responsible for safeguarding the order confirmation email which contains the important information of your personal data and collection details.
4.6 As representative of our providers, we accept your order for purchase with the order confirmation email.
4.7 Depending on Product availability, the order confirmation email may not include all items you have ordered. Separate notice(s) may be sent to you regarding the latest availability updates.
4.8 Unless otherwise expressly provided, each Message sent by us to you shall be deemed to have been received by you if no failure to deliver Message is received by us within 1 hour from the time when the Message is sent.
4.9 Stock availability of the items indicated on the Website is regularly updated by the providers and should not be relied upon or regarded as an exact or accurate statement of the availability of the items you are interested in.
5. Price and Payment
5.1 The Website accepts payment by credit cards of Visa, MasterCard, American Express and UnionPay.
5.2 The credit card used for shopping should be valid and under your own name.
5.3 We reserve the right to terminate any transaction it considers suspicious.
5.4 We shall not be liable for any payment fraud.
5.5 All payment methods require you to pay before delivery of the Products to you.
5.6 All prices are listed and charged in Hong Kong Dollars (HKD).
5.7 Full payment in respect of an order must be made upon the placing of that order. If your payment cannot be processed, the order will not be accepted. An order confirmation email will be sent to you only when the order is accepted.
5.8 We reserve the right to change the payment terms for any order without prior notice.
5.9 We reserve the right to change the payment mode for Products offered online at any time by announcement via the Website, email or any other means of public communication.
5.10 If payment for any order has already been made but the order is not accepted by us, you will be entitled to a refund by direct credit via the same payment channel you used at your purchase. We shall not be liable with respect to any loss, damage, cost or expense that you or any person may incur as a result of any delay in processing said refund.
6. Delivery of Products
6.1 You will be asked to provide the full and correct name of the recipient of the Products and the Given Address when you place your order.
6.2 We will send you an order completion email upon the we proceed the delivery of your order which includes:
- the details of the items you have ordered; and
- order number; and
- name of courier company and waybill number.
6.3 Each order can only be delivered to one Given Address. If you need to deliver goods to different Given Address(es), place order separately.
6.4 Each order must be purchased to meet the net amount to enjoy the free delivery service. The net amount(s) are subject to change in the Website without prior notice.
6.5 We only provide delivery services to Hong Kong, Macau or China. If you need delivery to other regions, please contact our customer service before placing an order; place order(s) without prior inquiry, the order(s) are subject to cancel without prior notice and all orders for purchase are subject to our acceptance at its sole discretion.
6.6 The order will be processed and arranged delivery with four working days after payment success and confirmed. The delivery schedule is subject to the courier company and depends on the inventory.
6.7 We will deliver the Product(s) you ordered to the Given Address by courier through SF Express,Hong Kong Post or such company as appointed by us to deliver the Product(s). The Product(s) shall be, and shall be deemed to be, delivered and accepted when the Product(s) are delivered to the Given Address and acknowledged by the recipient.
6.8 If we consider the Given Address is incorrect or incomplete, we will endeavor to contact you to confirm the correct address. However, in the event that we unable to contact you within a reasonable time, we shall treat the Products as Abandoned Products. The order may be cancelled and no refund will be made.
6.9 The order of Abandoned Products may be cancelled and no refund will be made.
6.10 In the event that any Product(s) have been treated by us as Abandoned Products, you will be notified of the details.
6.11 When the signal of tropical cyclone No. 8 or above, red or black rainstorm warning is hoisted, the delivery service will be postponed. If you need any special arrangements, please contact courier staff by yourself.
7. Purchase Offer
7.1 We reserve the right to terminate or change the above offers. In case of any dispute, our decision will be final and conclusive.
Special Offer
7.2 Special offer will be given by us or our Retailers via the Website, email, social media App or through other promotional channels to our customer, Accounts or Members.
7.3 Each special offer has an expiry date, which will be stated at the time of the promotion or in related promotional materials, and such expiry date cannot be modified. Any unused or expired amount will be forfeited.
7.4 All special offer have no monetary value and under no circumstances can they be converted into cash. There will be no residual value attached to any discount offer.
7.5 Any refund of a Product purchased using a special offer will be reduced by the value of the discount attached to it. The discount is non-refundable.
eCoupon or Promotion Code
7.6 Non-cash eCoupon or Promotion Code will be given by us or our Retailers via the Website, email, social media App or through other promotional channels to our customer, Accounts or Members when We launch a promotion campaign.
7.7 For entitlement and use of eCoupons and Promotion Code, please refer to the relevant provisions.
7.8 Any eCoupon or Promotion Code cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons, promotions or special offers. Only one promotion code can be used per order for purchase.
7.9 All eCoupon or Promotion Codes are non-transferable, have no monetary value and under no circumstances can they be converted into cash.
7.10 Any refund of a Product purchased using a eCoupon or Promotion Code will be reduced by the value of the discount attached to it. The discount is non-refundable.
7.11 Each eCoupon or Promotion Code has an expiry date, which will be stated at the time of the promotion or in related promotional materials, and such expiry date cannot be modified.
7.12 eCoupon or Promotion codes only apply to a discount on the relevant item or order before the application of any delivery charges or additional costs.
7.13 Some types of eCoupon or Promotion Codes may be exclusive and may only be used once per selected customer. A promotion code may not be used more than once. If the promotion code is lost or used by someone else, replacement code will not be issued.
7.14 If you return any item in the order in the future, the refund will be based on the discounted price. The discount amount cannot be refunded.
8. Cancellation of Order for Purchase8.1 We may cancel an order for purchase if any Product in the order is not available, or if we consider a transaction is suspicious. Such cancellation of order will be refunded.
8.2 We may cancel an order for purchase for any reasons which may cause an order to be unfulfilled, including but not limited to: (a) fail to process payment for the Product for whatever reason; (b) relevant customer do not fulfill any conditions specified at the time of the order; or (c) any errors made in connection with your order. We will notify you if this is the case. Refund of these cancellations is at the sole discretion of us.
8.3 Except as otherwise provided under the Terms and Conditions, you cannot cancel an order once the order confirmation email has been issued to you. If you wish to seek further assistance, you may contact our customer services through email, “Connect With Us” page of the Website, online Instant chat (Social Media).
9. Return and Refund
9.1 When you receive the Product(s), you must check whether the ordered Product(s) are damaged and the specifications and quantities of the ordered goods are correct. If the Product(s) are found to be damaged (not including incorrect use or man-made damage), inconsistent specifications or inconsistent quantities, you must notify our Customer Service through email or “Connect With Us” page of the Website within seven working days of the designated acceptance time for further processing. Late applications will not be accepted.
9.2 In addition to the above reasons stated 9.1, requests for returns or refunds based on other reasons will not be accepted.
9.3 We have the right to request you to return the defective goods to us as one of the procedures for refunding.
9.4 If the relevant Product(s) need to be returned to us, you must:
- Keep the original packaging carton/bag at the time of receipt intact, and ensure that the packaging of the goods is in the state when they were delivered to you;
- Unused and in the original state of sale, including instructions, certificates, labels, marks, consumables, bags and boxes;
- Together with the free gifts (if applicable);
Within the specified period of time, return the Product(s) together for return and/or refund.
9.5 Return or Refund of these purchase order is at the sole discretion of us or providers.
9.6 Once we have confirmed that the refund can be made, the payment will be refunded through the confidential third-party website of our online payment gateway provider in the same manner as when you paid; and it will take about 4 to 8 weeks.
9.7 Coupons that have been used at the time of purchase will not be refunded.
9.8 Transaction fee paid at the time of purchase will not be refunded.
9.9 All orders are charged in Hong Kong dollars (HKD), and we will not be responsible for the difference caused by exchange rate changes at the time of refund.
10. Termination of Account
10.1 We may terminate, suspend or delete your Account or one or more pre-order(s) or order(s) based on the following reasons:
- Failure to provide the required and accurate information during the Account registration process;
- Accounts violate of this Terms and Conditions;
- Re-register of the person whose Account has been terminated without our prior consent;
- Infringe our intellectual property rights;
- Unauthorized use of your Account by others and failure to report any abuse;
- When using the Website and Services, your use may be illegal, defamatory, obscene, offensive, endangering the safety of any person, aiming to harass any person or materials that are not suitable for display on the Website;
- When using the Website and Services, your use infringes or restricts or prevents any third party from using and enjoying this service. These restrictions or obstructions include any nuisance, intimidation, violence, immoral, pornographic or defamatory remarks or participation in any illegal behavior, or acts that cause harassment or cause discomfort or inconvenience to any person, or hinder normal conduct through the Service dialogue, communication and/or interactive mode.
11. Out of Service
11.1 Based on the following circumstances, we can stop or interrupt the services provided on the Website without prior notice:
- Network system of the Website is overhauled and maintained;
- Computer systems and communication lines cause a stop;
- Force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning strikes, fires, wind disasters, floods, power outages and other natural disasters has caused stopped or difficulties in the operation of the Services;
11.2 We will not bear any responsibility if the suspension or interruption caused by the above items causes loss or damage to you.
12. Liability
Your Liability
12.1 Any losses incurred or sustained by you in transmitting payment information shall be borne solely and exclusively by you and in no event shall any such losses be, in whole or in part, borne by us. If you are using a public computer, you shall ensure that you sign out of the Website once you have finished browsing the Website.
12.2 You shall be liable for every order made using your credit card and you hereby agree to indemnify Us for all claims or damages whatsoever made by any third party arising from the actions of a person placing orders on the Website using your credit card.
Our Liability
12.3 Unless otherwise specified the brand of LOTY health, we are not the providers of the Product(s) displayed on the Website. LOTY (HK) Limited acts merely as a facilitator, providing a marketplace platform allowing you and Retailers to come together for the sale and purchase. Each Retailer shall be and shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and they are providers of their own Products in the Website. We therefore has no control whatsoever over the availability, quality, legality or safety of the Products, or of any other characteristics upon which you may rely, the accuracy of any of the listings, descriptions and information relating to the Products, and the ability and capacity of any Retailer to transact. Accordingly, you waive any claim that you may have against Us that is in any way connected with a dispute between you and any other user of the Website (including any other customers and any Retailers) and you agree to indemnify us for any losses or liability we may suffer as a result of any claim against us by another user or any other third party as a result of your dealings with such other user or party;
12.4 We shall not be liable in any way for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, which arise from or are in connection with your access and use of the Website; or any breach of security, delay, corruption or destruction of data or systems (including but not limited to those caused by any virus or other malicious code), transmission error, inaccessibility (whether in connection with upgrading or modification of the Website, failure or insufficiency of the technical facilities or technical issues on the user’s side) of the Website; or any part thereof, whether due to the negligence of us or its officers, employees, agents, contractors or otherwise.
13. Indemnity
13.1 You hereby agree to indemnify and hold LOTY (HK) Limited, its officers, employees, agents and contractors harmless against all damages, losses, costs (including legal costs), expenses and liabilities suffered or incurred by us, its officers, employees, agents or contractors arising out of or referable to any claims, suits or proceedings brought against us, its officers, employees, agents or contractors by third parties arising out of or in connection with:
13.2 Your acts, failures, omissions and defaults, including but not limited to infringement of any intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties; unauthorized access and/or use of the Website or any part thereof; unauthorized disclosure or use of any authentication method; and/or failing to act in accordance with these terms and conditions; or
13.3 Arising from any tax, duties, excise or licence fee liability in connection with these terms and conditions (with the exclusion of taxes payable by us on its income).
14. Intellectual Property Rights
14.1 Any use of materials on the Website, including alteration, modification, distribution or republication, without LOTY (HK) Limited prior written consent is prohibited.
14.2 LOTY (HK) Limited owns the copyright of this website. The Website may include pictures and descriptions of products and images provided by Retailers or service providers, and the copyrights of these pictures and descriptions are owned by their respective Retailers or service providers. Although the content of this website can be viewed, it is not allowed to copy, distribute, modify or otherwise use this information without the permission of the Website. The rights to trademarks, trade names, domain names and product names contained in the Website are owned by LOTY (HK) Limited. It is strictly forbidden to use such trademarks, trade names, domain names and product names without the written consent of the owners of LOTY (HK) Limited and related brands of LOTY health.
14.3 All content and other rights of the Website and the intellectual property rights used to establish the website are owned and reserved by LOTY (HK) Limited.
15. Data Protection
15.1 When purchasing Products on the Website, you agree that we can store, process and use the data you provide for handling your order.
15.2 We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of all individuals with respect to their personal data. We therefore make sure that our policies and practices in relation to the collection, use, retention, transfer and access of personal data comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) under the laws of Hong Kong. Please refer to our Privacy Policy.
16. General
16.1 In case of any dispute between the Parties in respect of or in connection with these terms and conditions, LOTY (HK) Limited determination shall be final and binding.
Notices to You
16.2 Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, any notice to be given by us to you under these terms and conditions will be sent:
- by post to the address you provided;
- by email to the email address you provided;
- by telephone call through the number you provided.
16.3 You shall immediately notify us of any change of address, telephone number or email address.
16.4 Where these terms and conditions provide for us to notify you by posting a notice on the Website: such posting on the Website shall constitute sufficient notice to you; and such notice shall, unless otherwise specified by us, take effect from the time of posting on the Website.
Notices to Us
16.5 Unless otherwise expressly provided herein or unless otherwise specified by us, any notice which you are required to give to us shall only be deemed to have been served on us if the notice is sent:
- by email to cs@lotyhealth.com;
- by online Enquiry form.
16.6 The rights and remedies provided in these terms and conditions are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
16.7 No waiver of any breach of these terms and conditions shall be effective unless made in writing by the Party granting such waiver and given to the other Party.
16.8 No failure on the part of LOTY (HK) Limited to exercise, and no delay on its part in exercising, any right or remedy under these terms and conditions will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy.
16.9 You shall not assign or transfer your rights or obligations under these terms and conditions or any part, interest or share herein without the prior written consent of LOTY (HK) Limited. LOTY (HK) Limited may assign, transfer or subcontract all or any of its rights or obligations under these terms and conditions to any third party.
16.10 If any provision of these terms and conditions is declared by any judicial or other competent authority to be void, voidable, illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the Parties shall amend that provision in such reasonable manner so as to achieve the intention of the Parties. Alternatively, at the discretion of us, it may be severed from these terms and conditions and the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect, unless we (at our discretion) decides that the effect of such declaration is to defeat the original intention of the Parties.
16.11 These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("Hong Kong") and both you and We agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.
16.12 We may revise these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. If any dispute arises, LOTY (HK) Limited determination shall be final.
Where these terms and conditions are available in Traditional Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy among the versions.
(Version Updated August 2021)
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